Café and catering

This service is offered in the following branches:


Connecting communication with coffee drinking is nothing new. We do not see coffee as just a drink. Coffee is a phenomenon. Thanks to this traditional drink, we meet on the premises of various cafés and coffee shops, where we discuss various topics from life. Drinking coffee is also a ceremony that is not only based on the mentioned drink but mainly on enjoying the overall atmosphere.

Our LOGO Café is located in the reception area of the Private Clinic LOGO s.r.o. The menu includes not only excellent coffee but also salty and sweet delicacies. All of them are made at our clinic from quality regional ingredients according to current trends.

The café also has a children’s corner. In the corner, children can play with a number of special toys, which are not only for fun but also for instruction. The corner is separated from the café so that the children can play and at the same time their parents are always in sight while drinking their coffee. You can have it here, in our café, or take it with you—Café TO GO.

Make an appointment at our clinic

We will be happy to help you live without barriers.