Medical services
In LOGO, you will find experts in the fields of neurology, rehabilitation, phoniatrics, ENT, psychiatry, clinical psychology, and internal medicine.
These services are offered in the following branches:
On the issue
Internal medicine is a broad medical field, which has, over time, been divided into a number of sub-disciplines. Today, there are separate specializations such as cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology, diabetology, nephrology, allergology, oncology, and many others. Nevertheless, general internal medicine still plays an important role in the treatment, diagnosis, and regular monitoring of the most common diseases, such as high blood pressure, impaired fat metabolism, impaired uric acid metabolism, diabetes, kidney disease, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, and many other diseases.
In LOGO, we provide comprehensive disease diagnosis and treatment. We also provide dispensary care for patients with serious internal diseases. We place an emphasis on preventive measures in high-risk patients endangered by the complications resulting from the most common lifestyle diseases. We perform pre-operative examinations, complete blood sampling followed by comprehensive examinations in the laboratory. In the outpatient clinic, we perform ECG and non-invasive Holter blood pressure monitoring.
In the area of medical services, we offer:
Clinical psychology
The outpatient departments of our clinical psychologists provide comprehensive diagnostics, subsequent therapy and the prevention for children, adolescents, and adults.
Psychiatry and child psychiatry
Clinical psychiatry is an important element in the comprehensive diagnostics of communication disorders at any age.
Neurology and pediatric neurology
We provide both children and adults with the diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of diseases of the nervous system, especially when manifestations of communication disorders occur.
Rehabilitation doctor
We provide rehabilitation examinations by a specialist focusing on physical education.
ENT, phoniatrics, and audiology
The ENT and the department of phoniatrics offer the diagnostics and treatment of voice, hearing, and speech disorders.
Internal medicine
We perform comprehensive and targeted examinations followed by a treatment plan with the possibility of consulting the top clinical workplaces.
We solve problems in a comprehensive way
Our clinic works in a unique way. Its priority is comprehensive care provided by our doctors and therapists. Equally important is the communication of the entire clinic team with the patient.
Make an appointment at our clinic
We will be happy to help you live without barriers.