Education and training
We will help you improve your knowledge in courses, trainings and study stays useful for your further career.
We educate professionals not only in speech therapy
The company Soukromá klinika LOGO s.r.o. is an accredited workplace of the Ministry of public health of the Czech Republic in the field of clinical logopaedics, clinical psychology, phoniatrics, and audiology. Being accredited in clinical logopaedics, we organize for speech therapists preparing for attestation special courses and study stays at our LOGO clinic.
Special study stays for speech therapists
The company Soukromá klinika LOGO s.r.o. has obtained accreditation to organize the practical part of the specialized educational program in the field of clinical logopaedics. At our workplace there are special study stays for speech therapists employed in heath care who are preparing for their attestation exam.
We offer you two types of study stays:
1. Study stay in a specialized training
- Inpatient department of clinical logopaedics - 40 hours
2. Study stay in the basic group
Inpatient department of clinical logopaedics – 40 hours
Inpatient day hospital of clinical logopaedics – 80 hours
Classes of communication skills
The training is focused on assertivity, negotiation, and business skills.
Do you have problems with a public performance, presentations, in communication with your business partners? We offer you a communication skill training under leadership of experienced speech specialists and experts in rhetoric.
We offer to managers and lecturers from the business sphere schooling by experienced clinical speech therapists and experts in rhetoric, aiming at developing, as effectively as possible, the communication skills necessary for the business environment as well as mastering “the art of rhetoric” - the performance in the public. The training is practically focused on model situations training, audio recording, camera recording, and detailed analyses, which, under an experienced professional´s leadership, result in a quick mastering of skill and remedy of errors.
Classes for pedagogical staff
For pedagogical professionals there is a complete list of classes supporting better orientation in behavior of the children with speech defects.
The courses are supervised by experienced professionals in their disciplines, specialists working at our clinic, Soukromá klinika LOGO s.r.o. These people are in contact with our small clients every day and apply their experience in real life. These lecturers can also hand over their knowledge to you by means of our courses. We are trying to obtain from the Ministry of education of the Czech Republic accreditation for the offered courses.
Specialized courses for medical staff
The interdisciplinary cooperation of experts in diagnostics and therapy.
Preparation and organization of highly specialized courses for experts from various branches of medicine, adding up to the completeness of the speech defects therapy. The trainings organized under the auspices of the LOGO EDUCA are designated especially for clinical logopaedists, but also for ORL specialists, phoniatrists, dentists, orthodontists, physiotherapists, neurologists, paediatrists, and rehabilitation specialists.
The LOGO EDUCA supports the goal to organize solely the courses professionally prepared, in a pleasant environment, aiming at practice and new knowledge. Finishing of some of the training courses guarantees to you an ongoing stream of information not only in your branch.