About us
The LOGO clinic originated in 1990. During almost 30 years of existence we have helped nearly 100,000 people and we have been of help other people every day for them to live a life of their dreams.
We help people live without barriers
From small surgery to clinic
The private clinic LOGO s.r.o. was established as early as in 1990 as a small surgery of PaedDr. Ilona Kejklíčková, Ph.D., MBA who at that time worked as a speech therapist in the children´s hospital in Brno. Her dream to help people and deal with speech therapy in her own way led her to the top floor of a residential house at Merhautova Street, where she began her private practice. After several years, an opportunity came along of renting a facility at Vsetínská Street, which she shared with the local kindergarten and its kitchen for next several years. The practical activities were gradually expanding; and, in quite naturally, other facilities added up before the local kindergarten left the building; the small facility became a clinic as well as the company headquarters. Just from the very beginning, the private clinic LOGO s.r.o. has laid emphasis on quality, offering the best services in expert areas of phoniatrics, ORL, logopaedics, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, internal medicine, physiotherapy, children´s day hospital, and an inpatient department.
Complete care is the key
The founder, PaedDr. Ilona Kejklíčková, Ph.D., MBA, pays a great attention to the cure and therapy and of hyperphonia (stuttering). She has created a complex approach method of the stuttering therapy, manifesting good results at our clinic. It is suitable for children, juveniles as well as adult stutterers.
The clinic´s complex approach is used at the same place and at the same time, and the client is exposed to therapeutic, re-educational, and rehabilitation factors. The aim is to help the client, within a relatively short period of time, to eliminate or mitigate the trouble and to show a way to go on. As early as the clinic creation began, an expert team established, which has been working comprehensively to help mitigate the stuttering manifestations just by this method. Problems of stuttering and excellent results of the complex care have found expression in several publications. Our clinic has been cooperating with foreign partners in Germany, England, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and the U.S.A. We moreover have been cooperating with other institutions, such as the LOGO Civil association, and the clinic provides a portfolio of complete services (social, consulting, and others) for persons handicapped by significant communication disorders and their family members.
Therapy every day
During almost 30 years of existence we have successfully treated more than 100,000 clients. Currently we offer our services in Prague, Blansko, Židlochovice, and in Brno, where you can find us at three addresses.
At our clinic we emphasize the quality of the provided services and application of the latest knowledge in the areas of all of our professions and in communication. Research and development in clinical logopaedics guarantees the quality of the provided services. The clinic has been cooperating with the foreign partners in Germany, England, Denmark, Sweden, and the U.S.A.
The seat of our clinic also enables access for handicapped patients. Perfectness and modern approach to speech and hearing defects diagnostics have proven that the speech therapeutic care can be performed by means of an advanced medical technology and at the latest trends. The clinic has available modern speech therapists´ surgeries. With respect to high specialization, expert consultation centers have been established at the clinic (e. g. for speech fluency defects – stuttering, cluttering, DMO, dysarhtria, cleft defects, delayed speech development, autism, alternative and augmentative communication, development dysphasia or swallowing defects). Specialized employees also offer specialized procedure applications – myofunctional therapies, Castillo Morales massages, Bobath concept. We also provide forensic reports in clinical logopaedics and organize communication trainings for managers and classes of rhetoric.
The private clinic LOGO s.r.o. is a holder of the quality certificate ISO 9001:2015 in the area "Diagnostics and communication disorder therapy".